domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

Quem dirige Portugal?

Apesar de se poder pensar que o governo constitucional dirigido pelo Sr. Eng. José Sócrates comanda o país, cá ficam umas pistas entre recomendações e políticas portuguesas:

Portugal is recommended by the Commission to:

in the context of the on-going correction of fiscal imbalances and public administration reform, redirect public spending towards uses more supportive to potential growth, while maintaining firm control over public expenditure overall;

O governo responde aumentando impostos, dois pontos percentuais no IVA, ISP, escalões do IRS e diminui o Investimento...

Portugal is recommended by the Commission to:

implement measures to strongly improve the education attainment levels of the young, and develop a vocational training system that is relevant to labour market needs and based on a "National Qualifications Framework"

O governo responde com o programa "Novas Oportunidades"...

Portugal is recommended by the Commission to:

modernise employment protection, including legislation to foster flexibility and security to reduce the high levels of labour market segmentation.

O governo responde com a Flexigurança...

Um coincidência tremenda se me perguntarem a mim, mas nunca me passaria pela cabeça que a agenda do governo seja a da Comissão Europeia.

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